Napolitano 3in1 - Constitutional Chaos, The Constitution in Exile & A Nation of Sheep


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Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws

In this alarming book, Fox News commentator Judge Napolitano makes the solid case that there is a pernicious and ever-expanding pattern of government abuse in America's criminal justice system, leading him to establish his general creed: "The government is not your friend." As an attorney, a law professor, a commentator, a judge, and now a successful television personality, Judge Napolitano has studied the system inside and out, and his unique voice has resonance and relevance. In this sensational book, Napolitano sets the record straight, speaking frankly from his own experiences and investigation about how government agencies will often arrest without warrant, spy without legal authority, imprison without charge, and kill without cause.

The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land

What ever happened to our inalienable rights?

The Constitution was once the bedrock of our country, an unpretentious parchment that boldly established the God-given rights and freedoms of America.

Today that parchment has been shred to ribbons, explains Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, as the federal government trounces state and individual rights and expands its reach far beyond what the Framers intended.

An important follow-up to Judge Napolitano's best-selling Constitutional Chaos , this book shows with no-nonsense clarity how Congress has purchased regulations by bribing states and explains how the Supreme Court has devised historically inaccurate, logically inconsistent, and even laughable justifications to approve what Congress has done.

It's an exciting excursion into the dark corners of the law, showing how do-gooders, busybodies, and control freaks in government disregard the limitations imposed upon Congress by the Constitution and enact laws, illegal and unnatural, in virtually every area of human endeavor. Advance Praise for The Constitution in Exile from Left, Right, and Center Does anyone understand the vision of America's founding fathers?

The courts and Congress apparently don't have a clue. But Judge Andrew P. Napolitano does, and so will you, if you read The Constitution in Exile .- BILL O'REILLY

Whatever happened to states rights, limited government, and natural law? Judge Napolitano, in his own inimitable style, takes us on a fascinating tour of the destruction of constitutional government. If you want to know how the federal government got so big and fat, read this book. Agree or disagree, this book will make you think.- SEAN HANNITY

In all of the American media, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano is the most persistent, uncompromising guardian of both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution, very much including the Bill of Rights. Increasingly, our Constitution is in clear and present danger. Judge Napolitano-in The Constitution in Exile -has challenged all Americans across party lines to learn the extent of this constitutional crisis.- NAT HENTOFF

Judge Napolitano engages here in what I do every day on my program-make you think. There's no question that potential Supreme Court nominees and what our Constitution says and doesn't say played a major role for many voters in our last couple of elections. What the judge does here is detail why the federal government claims it can regulate as well as tax everything in sight as it grows and grows. Agree or disagree with him-you need to read his latest book, think, and begin to arm yourself as you enter this important debate. - RUSH LIMBAUGH

At a time when we are, in Benjamin Franklin's words, sacrificing essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, here comes the judge with what should be mandatory reading for the executive branch cronies who are busy stealing power while they think we're not watching. Thank goodness the judge is watching and speaking truth to power. More than a book, this is an emergency call to philosophical arms, one we must heed before it's too late. - ALAN COLMES

A Nation of Sheep by Andrew Napolitano


Judge Nap asks in this title, he discusses how much leeway we have allowed the Federal Government to use the power we have imbued in them to be used back against us. As our money pours into the hands of corrupt foreign despots and Federal Law Forces which use the Unconstitutional Patriot Act & Drug War to warrentlessly surveil and threaten the citizens’ freedom and harassing by DC stormtroopers.

If the Patriot Act is being used against US Citizens, Judge Nap asks who the Federal Goverment’s true opponent is?

Picture this: The Attorney General of the United States testifies under oath that the president is not ordering federal agents to read the mail, listen to the telephone calls, and monitor the computer keystrokes of ordinary Americans, without a warrant to do so from a judge. That would be criminal. But six months later, the president admits that he has done so.Picture this: The Constitution prohibits Congress from abridging free speech. But suddenly, Congress has made it a crime to talk about receiving self-written search warrants from an FBI agent. Picture this: The Constitution guarantees speedy, fair jury trials with defense counsel, but all of the sudden, Congress authorizes the president to dispense with those rights if the U.S. military has incarcerated you in Cuba.And one more: The Constitution guarantees that the government can only force you to sell your house to it if it plans a public use of the property. But now the Supreme Court is telling the government it can sell your house to your neighbor, against your will.These are not Hollywood movie plots but recent, unhappy history. They are just a few events in the sad history of liberty lost to an out-of-control government that we have sheepishly permitted to subvert our rights.

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