Do you already have a coaching program and are looking to bring it online?
Or are you brand new to coaching and want to fulfill your dreams by offering online coaching?
Either way this book will provide you with lots of valuable tips on how to accomplish just this.
Your first step is quite simple and that is to ensure that you set up a coaching related website or blog. If you are using your own name for your coaching business, buy the domain for it and set up your site.
If not, then choose an appropriate business name and go with that one. Check with your State's requirements for setting up as a local business as well. You may need to purchase a license for this.
Now, one of the biggest obstacles with setting up an online coaching program is that of being afraid of technology! You really don't want to let this stop you from setting up shop online. Yes, there will be lots of things to learn, but once you do, you won't believe how easy everything is to run and maintain.
Technology has come a long way, and this includes how we set up websites. You don't have to pay someone to design and code your website.
Simply use a WordPress site and you can have your site up and running the same day. If you are stuck for time or if this is your stumbling block, then consider hiring a virtual assistant to set up your site for you.
The next problem with setting up an online coaching program is not knowing what to charge. The nice part about having an online program is that you can change your prices.
When you first start advertising you can promote your program as an Early Bird or Limited Time Special offer. This gives you the flexibility of increasing your prices if necessary….