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Survival Manuals and Ebooks

Introducing our in-depth and comprehensive eBook collection, your ultimate resource guide to survival and beyond. Packed with over 100 free eBooks and manuals, this collection delves into the vast realms of bush crafting, woodworking, and advanced survival skills. Each manuscript is a treasure trove of knowledge, meticulously penned to enhance your survival acumen and wilderness savvy.

Discover the art of plant medicine, with guides that help you identify, prepare, and use nature's pharmacy for healing and sustenance. Learn how to stand on your own two feet when medical help is out of reach, with practical advice and techniques that could be a lifeline when you least expect it.

The collection also boasts a series of military manuals – an incredible resource that imparts vital skills and strategies used by the armed forces. These guides offer a rare glimpse into the disciplined world of military survival and tactical prowess. From understanding the basics of knots and their countless applications, to mastering complex military procedures, every eBook is a step towards self-reliance and resilience.

This collection is more than just a set of survival guides – it's a journey into the heart of the wild, the mind of the military, and the spirit of resilience. Whether you're an adventurer at heart, a military enthusiast, or a curious learner, this collection is the key to unlocking skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime.

Download these print them up and put them in your survival box in case you need them ! 

Be prepared always !

3 products