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Creating Good Karma

How To Create it and Keep It
Many people go through life blaming “bad luck” for their lack of success in their personal lives and careers. But if you want good things to happen to you, you really should start by attracting good karma. 
You may or may not believe in karma, but making an effort to do little good things everyday will naturally attract more love, happiness and wealth, or essentially “good karma”. 

Creating and keeping good karma is not difficult to do and the following are some things to keep in mind.
When life deals you a bad hand, don’t overreact. Slow down, take a deep breath and try to find the silver lining in the situation. Every incident that happens has one, although it may be hard to find.
For many of us, anger is a kneejerk reaction. Once you start getting upset, calm down and try to empathize with other people. If you feel like you’re going to lose it, walk away. Once you start reacting with kindness instead of anger, this can only affect you and the ones you love around you in an extremely positive way. 
In order for yourself and for others to be happy, you must practice compassion. When someone wrongs you, take a step back and assess the situation with compassion. It will only serve to make you 
feel great and probably annoy them to no end as well.
The demands of modern life can be overwhelming but this is no excuse to not perform random acts of kindness every day. Make a conscious effort to do something nice for someone everyday by opening a door for someone, feeding a stranger’s parking meter, or letting someone get ahead in line. Acting 
with kindness without expecting a reward and good things will naturally happen to you.

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